The C-word, Etc.

March 7, 2024 I fret  about my ability to understand sex and females.    As you know as a former Mormon Missionary I had a challenge with cussing. I hope I'm over my inhibitions.  If the C-word  or the B-word (Birthtday) or even that numeral after 68 bothers you, then STOP reading. 
The C-word and the F-word
written by
 jaron summers (c) 2024
If the C-word  or the B-word (Birthday) or even the numeral after 68 bothers you, then STOP reading. 
Yesterday was my 82nd Birthday.  Following is my journal entry. 
March 7, 2024 In the early part of my marrige I would fret  about my ability to understand sex and females.   As you know as a former Mormon Missionary I had a challenge with cussing.
I’m over my inhibitions. Thank heavens. 
Kate, my wife, a former flight attendant, who appears to be an infidel, finally became comfortable with sensual pillow talk which I read someplace leads to greater Intimacy. 
We have been patient with each other and are in our fifth decade of marriage and we’ve learned to have fun with intimacy. 
It took me 25 years to persuade Kate to use provocative language when we, uh, Cuddodled. 

So much for my inhibitions and perhaps one of the reasons that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has lost faith in me. 
Since it’s my 82nd birthday today, I was anticipating something special and fun in the bedroom.
Let me say my once uptight wife did not disappoint. 
Kate, dressed in a revealing powder blue negligee, brought me coffee and chocolate for breakfast. She wore my favorite perfume. Then, she whispered, “How’d you like some sizzling pussy?”
“I’m up for a good sizzler,” I said.   Happy but shocked.
From beneath her negligee, Kate  produced a fried tomcat in a ziploc bag, tossed same on her pillow, and skipped back to the kitchen.
“It’s your turn to do the dishes, Mr. Cock a Doodle Doo,” was her exit line. 

Thanks to my coaching and patience my lovely wife has finally overcome her inhibitions.  And, all without expensive marriage counseling. 

Why we Cuss


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Jaron Summers wrote dozens of primetime television and radio programs, including those for HBO, CBS, ACCESS TV and CBC. He conceived the TV and Film Institute of Canada. Funded by the University of Alberta and ITV, Jaron ran the Institute for 12 years, donating his services for a decade.

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