
Who is Jaron

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Who Am I?

Why you want to know, I don’t know.

Went to BYU for BA in Journalism. UCLA for an MFA in TV writing.

Written dozens of novels, TV & screenplays, radio, humor & bittersweet columns, articles and reviews.

I was raised in Coronation, Alberta, Canada. Lived in LA most of my adult life.

I spent two years as an LDS Mormon Missionary in New Zealand. I wrote a novel about it.

It’s called Elder Wonder Comes of Age. Is it about me? Sure, everything I write is a little bit about me.

I married Kate Dahlberg twenty years ago. I got the best part of the deal. (If you want to see how great she is click on “search” at the top of this page….type in Kate), hit return.

Here is the greatest thing I have ever done. Twenty-five years ago I heard a little girl fall into a swimming pool and pulled her out and she lived and was okay.

Here is the second greatest thing I have ever done: stayed out of jail.

Here is the third greatest thing I ever did. I looked after my mother until she was 95 years old and died. Type Pearl in the search engine if you want to read about our adventures together.

Here is some other stuff I did — with a friend wrote a novel in a couple of days as a PR college stunt in 1967. A lot of people later copied us. I think we were the first. Also I invented the fridge magnet. Also I was the first person to sell a novel on the internet. I probably was the first person to teach writing on the internet about twenty years ago.

Have I done anything great with my life? No. Have I done anything bad? Hmm, I guess.

But the bottom line is — if everyone were like me any child could walk down any street on the planet and be safe.

See, I’m a lot like you.

I wrote is The Whooping Moose. The non-fiction column that people request the most is have your novel printed for five dollars as a real book. What a deal!

E-mail me if you like.

Everything in this column with the links is in a PDF file. The section about the $5 novel is worth keeping and sending to friends. If you click here, the PDF file will download to your computer in under 60 seconds. You’ll need Acrobat to read it. Acrobat Reader is a free program. Feel free to send my file to anyone but don’t change it, okay?
