I love it. Fifty years ago a Hershey chocolate bar cost five cents. The bar will cost $5.00+ in 2021.
The dollar won’t be worth squat as inflation erodes it.
I wish I had thought of a chocolate standard but it was the ancient Mayan culture that first tied currency to chocolate.
Sophie and Michael Coes, anthropologists, document how the Mayans used unsweetened liquid chocolate as currency hundreds of years ago.
One of the problems with chocolate currency would be coming up with the correct formula. Should a dollar be pegged to a handful of chocolate Hershey kisses? Or M&Ms? And then of course, how do you store your hoard of chocolate?
I say tie Sees Chocolates to the dollar.
First — Sees are good.
Second — the company is owned by one of the richest men in the world: Warren Buffett. A $10,000 investment in Buffett’s original 1956 portfolio would today be worth a staggering 250+ million…after taxes!
And third — Sees Chocolates were invented by a Canadian, Mrs. Sees. (Banks in Canada never fail.)
A box of Sees chocolates costs about $22.00. Stock up big time and protect your investment from going stale — buy Sees Chocolate Gift Coupons at Costco.
Recent per-pound cost was under $12.00. The coupons can be traded for a pound of chocolate anytime at Sees.
Buffett will be forced to produce and supply a pound of chocolates for more money than you originally paid for them.
How sweet it is.
Think of the short-term possibilities.
Now think of the long-term gains. Toss the coupon in a safety deposit box, wait ten years.
I project that a pound of Sees will cost about fifty dollars in a decade. So in the year 2029, simply take your certificate and lurk outside a Sees store. Any Sees customer would snap up your coupon for $40. (It would save them $10.) A win-win situation.
Your original investment would be worth about four times what you had paid for it.
Put the same cash in a bank today and you would be lucky to earn a dollar or two in the next decade.
Could chocolate beat the stock market? Or the bond market? Or real estate? Or fine art?
Look at real estate!
Worst case scenario. All world markets crash and civilization ends and you can still eat your investments.
I have tracked Mr. Buffett’s investment strategies over the decades. He bought huge quantities of silver. Then sold it all. Silver.
Why go for a quick profit?
From time to time Mr. Buffett meets with Bill Gates. (But Buffett does not buy software stocks.)
What is going on? Gates is only a smoke screen for what Buffett is up to. (Because when things get rough, you can’t eat silver or dollar bills.)
Mr. Buffett is a heartbeat away from establishing a world chocolate standard.
If you’re as smart as I am you’ll cash in by buying chocolate futures (Read: Sees gift certificates at Costco).
Chocolate will save the economy and it could save your life.
And here is my latest novel. It’s about a religious nut. Me.
(You should be 18 to read it.)