All you have to do is click on the following logo of PayPal. You fill in a few blanks and they deposit five dollar$ in your bank account.

Why am I doing this?
Because this is the easiest way to receive or make payments on the Internet. Perfect for auctions. I don’t do auctions. I do novels. Later, I will have some novels to sell. This is an elegant way to pay me or any other writer.
Is it Safe?
Nothing is safe. Not the water, not an airplane, not sex. But there is $100,000 insurance protection already in place for you.
And you can make some real cash. By the way, you can’t do this in Canada, but you will be able to in a month. But while you are in Canada please continue to have sex, drink water and fly.
I hope you make lots of money on PayPal and become very powerful. But not too powerful.
Here’s a column about the very powerful.