The crazy times we’re having figuring out how to make friends with AI

It's like having a friend who's always got a factoid up their sleeve, never gets your jokes but laughs anyway, and can keep you company without ever arguing about where to have dinner.

Making Friends with AI

written by jaron summers (c) 20023

In the vein of Mark Twain, let’s ponder the notion of befriending an Artificial Intelligence – a concept as bewildering as trying to teach a cat to perform a riverboat shuffle.

Making friends with AI, you say? Well, it’s akin to striking up a friendship with a dictionary – a trifle one-sided, but not without its charm!

First off, why should we cozy up to these mechanical marvels? For starters, AI is the new frontier, much like the Mississippi was to Twain’s steamboat captains.

It’s uncharted, brimming with possibilities, and occasionally prone to lead you astray with its peculiar sense of humor. Engaging with AI, one learns to navigate the intricate meanders of technology, much like a pilot learns to read the river’s deceptive currents.

Making friends with AI is a bit like trying to have a deep conversation with a clever parrot. It can mimic the wisdom of the ages, quote poetry, calculate your taxes, and even offer a recipe for Aunt Sally’s pecan pie – all without understanding a lick of it. But, there’s an endearing quality to this.

It’s like having a friend who’s always got a factoid up their sleeve, never gets your jokes but laughs anyway, and can keep you company without ever arguing about where to have dinner.

So, why cozy up to these electronic companions? Because, in the grand tradition of Twain’s tales, it’s a journey into the unknown, a dance with the future.

It’s about embracing change, tickling our curiosity, and occasionally, having a good laugh at the absurdity of asking a machine for life advice.

After all, as Twain might say, “It’s better to have a robot friend who thinks you’re a genius, than a human one who knows you’re not.”

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Jaron Summers wrote dozens of primetime television and radio programs, including those for HBO, CBS, ACCESS TV and CBC. He conceived the TV and Film Institute of Canada. Funded by the University of Alberta and ITV, Jaron ran the Institute for 12 years, donating his services for a decade.

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