Simulated Hearts

In a world where a scientist believes reality is a computer simulation and their lover sees it as God's creation, they discover that love transcends the divide, proving that understanding and affection can coexist amidst the universe's greatest mysteries.

Simulated Hearts

written by

jaron summers (c) 2024

Once upon a time, in a city filled with the hum of computers and the whispers of ancient oaks, there lived a scientist named Alex.

Alex, with a mind that could unravel the mysteries of the universe yet remained entangled in one profound question: What is the nature of our reality?

Alex firmly believed that our world, with its sprawling galaxies and the delicate petals of a petunia, was not the work of a divine being but the result of an incredibly advanced computer simulation.

“The most complex video game created,” Alex would explain, “everything from the laws of physics to the feeling of the sun on your skin is coded by an intelligence far beyond our comprehension.”

Alex’s partner, Jamie, viewed the world through a different lens. She believed in God, a divine creator who sculpted the cosmos and breathed life into every corner of the universe over billions of years.

“The beauty of nature, the complexity of life, it’s all a testament to God’s work,” Jamie would say, their eyes reflecting the stars they so often discussed.

Despite their differing beliefs, Alex and Jamie shared a deep bond, united by a mutual love for exploring the unknown. Their conversations were seldom dull, each argument and theory a dance of dialogs as vibrant as the auroras lighting up the night sky.

One evening, as they lay on a hillside gazing at the stars, Alex said, “Imagine if we could prove that this—all of this—is simply a simulation. It would be the greatest discovery in the history of mankind.”

“But wouldn’t that make life feel less meaningful?” Jamie pondered, her voice tinged with curiosity rather than judgment.

Alex considered this for a moment before replying, “Not necessarily. Even if we are in a simulation, our experiences, our emotions, our love—they’re real to us. And that’s what matters.”

Jamie smiled, squeezing Alex’s hand. “Whether it’s God or a computer simulation, there’s a wonder in not knowing everything. It keeps life mysterious, don’t you think?”

Their conversation drifted into other mysteries of the universe, each finding joy in the other’s perspective, even in disagreement.

They realized that their love was like the debate between science and faith—a delicate balance of evidence and belief, questions and answers, and the acceptance that some mysteries were meant to be explored together, no matter how different their starting points.

In their quest for understanding, Alex and Jamie discovered something more profound than the origins of the universe. They found love, with its ability to bridge the vastest of divides, was the most remarkable phenomenon of all, defying the binary of science and faith, and hinting at a truth beyond the scope of simulations and divine creation.

And so, beneath the endless canopy of stars, two hearts beat in unison, a testament to the beauty of a universe where such different beliefs could coexist in harmony.

And then one day, they noticed that the sun seemed to have some kind of rip in it.  And, God thundered: “Some damn fool unplugged my computer.”

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Jaron Summers wrote dozens of primetime television and radio programs, including those for HBO, CBS, ACCESS TV and CBC. He conceived the TV and Film Institute of Canada. Funded by the University of Alberta and ITV, Jaron ran the Institute for 12 years, donating his services for a decade.

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