Beyond the Grave: Exploring Life’s Depths Through ‘Six Feet Under’s’ Cultural Lens

"Delving into 'Six Feet Under,' we uncover more than tales of death; it's a profound exploration of life. This series transcends mere entertainment, offering a unique perspective on living. Its cultural impact is undeniable, inviting us to reflect deeply on the essence and complexities of our existence."

Now, I’ve been known to spin a tale or two in my day, but there’s this curious little show, “Six Feet Under,” that does the spinning for me. It’s about life and death, or more accurately, about living in a world most folks dream of thanks to their Sunday School Teachers.

It spoke of a world where the end isn’t the end. Now, bear with me. In “Six Feet Under,” they’ve got a notion that when you shake off this mortal coil, you don’t just fade into oblivion. No, sir. You keep on moving, free as a bird, between this world and what you might call heaven.

“Six Feet Under” presents death in various forms and handles it with a great level of honesty, often intertwining humor with tragedy. It notes the show’s unique approach to discussing death on a philosophical and emotional level, making it stand out from other popular culture representations of death,

I’ve always been one for a good yarn, but this? This had me sit up and take notice. Imagine, if you will, the dearly departed coming back for a chat, as real as the person next to you on a steamboat. It’s a thought that’d comfort many a soul, I reckon.

In this show, they’ve woven a tale that echoes the Mormons’ belief – the idea that we might just become something akin to gods. And let me tell you, they paint a picture that’s as vivid as the Mississippi on a sunny day.

But the real kicker? It’s like telling a child that not only is Santa Claus real, but you can also have tea with him in your parlor or pay him a visit up at the North Pole. It’s a notion that turns every skeptic’s head, making them wonder if there’s more truth to those bedtime stories.

Now, some folks might say it’s all make-believe. But isn’t that what we’re here for? To believe in something a tad bit magical?

This show, it doesn’t just tell a story; it weaves a dream, a dream where death isn’t a shadow but a doorway.

As I mull over these ideas, I can’t help but think of the warmth it brings.

It’s like those tales we tell kids – 
not to deceive them, but to fill 
their world with wonder 
and warmth.

And therein lies the beauty of this show. It’s not just about the departure from life; it’s about the continuation of existence in a realm that’s as real as the chair I’m sitting on.

Now you may ask how I know so much about Mormons.  Been there.  Done that.

If you’d like a free copy of the digital novel or the
narrated version, just send a note to:

You have to be one of the
first ten who makes the request.
Merry Christmas. 

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Jaron Summers wrote dozens of primetime television and radio programs, including those for HBO, CBS, ACCESS TV and CBC. He conceived the TV and Film Institute of Canada. Funded by the University of Alberta and ITV, Jaron ran the Institute for 12 years, donating his services for a decade.

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