Kind Dogs & Kind Vets

Animals are smarter than you think.

In the 1950s I lived in a village in Canada. Population: 950 people. Stray dogs: four or five.

A veterinarian who spoke broken English rented a house. He turned a back room into his office/clinic.

If kids with no cash had a “pet” dog or cat or even a gopher or crow — this vet would fix it up for free. I had a pet crow and it was sick ….

The vet said, “Gotta feed it some tiny stones.” Apparently the crow needed grit for its gizzard. I feed it tiny bits of stone for about a week.

The crow ( I had cleverly named, “Blacky”) thrived.

Blacky and me

One day I was in the vet’s office and recognized a stray dog sleeping on the floor. Few folks could get close to that dog because it had been badly treated but there it was with a bandaged leg.

It had been hit by a car and the vet had set the poor dog’s broken leg.

A month later the dog was fine, running around the town, and begging for scraps.

A few days later the dog arrived at the vet’s door around 3 AM and started barking.

The dog with the broken leg had another dog with him with a damaged leg.

The vet fixed up the first stray’s buddy.

I don’t know if that second dog ever brought damaged buddies to the vet. But it would not have surprised my crow or me.

Something to crow about ….






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Jaron Summers wrote dozens of primetime television and radio programs, including those for HBO, CBS, ACCESS TV and CBC. He conceived the TV and Film Institute of Canada. Funded by the University of Alberta and ITV, Jaron ran the Institute for 12 years, donating his services for a decade.

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