Here’s an experiment to see how we’re doing when it comes to compassion.
This came in the mail:
So what will happen?
Because I am a cautious optimist, I think the envelope and dollar will end up at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
And somewhere Danny Thomas will be smiling.
There’s a note behind the dollar that says I’m going to donate a bit more money if St. Jude’s calls and ask let’s me know they have the dollar.
Will they call?
I will report back to you.
It was a solicitation from St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Started by Danny Thomas.
The hospital along with a research center he started has made a positive impact on our world.
Back to my social experiment in how we are doing as a nation. The Danny Thomas Test. Rather than fill out the card with my credit card number and send it in the postage free envelope to St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital, I sent them a dollar. You can see part of the dollar in the envelope’s address window.