Your Ponzi scheme —

I was horrified to hear that mother might be a hooker.

You are stupid and probably blind. You are also greedy.

But you are not alone. Take some comfort in that, my dear friend.

There are about 7.5 billion people on this little blue planet.

Ninety-nine per cent of them have bet their future on mankind’s biggest Ponzi scheme and that includes me. We are all stupid, blind and greedy.

If you are not from the Stone Age, you need some method of trading. Ninety-nine percent of the population of the earth use some kind of currency. A lot of people favor good old American dollars.

Once those bucks were backed by gold or silver. No more — every modern dollar is a Federal Reserve note. That means it’s worth whatever the present economy and our friendly bankers think it’s worth.

Pretend you had $17,000 dollars in 1961. Suppose you bought a house with that money then. Keep those figures in your mind. And, also keep in mind that I own that house because it belonged to my parents and they died decades ago.

My father was a dentist and he told my mother that he doubted that he could pay the monthly mortgage. Mother said she had great faith in him but volunteered to turn tricks at ten bucks a customer if he could not raise $100 a month.

I was horrified to hear that mother might be a hooker. She was a church going, highly moral woman — at least I thought so until that moment. But that is a story for a different time.

Anyway, my father was able to pay the mortgage by making dentures and filling teeth. The dentures were $100 in 1961. That included extractions, and an incredible set of choppers and a five year guarantee.

Today those dentures could cost up to $5,000. And I can promise you that Dad’s dentures were every bit as good as you can get today. Better in many ways.

You will notice that in about fifty years the dentures increased by a factor of fifty. If Dad had dropped the $100 in a pickle jar and I took it out today I could buy a screen door for a house. Not a house.

Welcome to inflation–courtesy of the banking industry and your government.

Working hand in hand (with a number of other accomplices) banking and government have created that greatest Ponzi scheme that ever existed.

Here is what has happened to your hard earned dollar when you saved it:

It’s worth next to nothing. Soon it will cost more to print a dollar than a dollar.

Here is what happened in Germany when hyperinflation hit:

Germans used their life savings to paper their walls. A thousand marks were worth less than a square foot of wallpaper.

But that was Germany and this is now. As you can see here is what is happening to the US dollar.

It makes any private Ponzi scheme look like child’s play. Yes, below is the second time I pasted that chart in. LOOK AT IT!

Because we are all stupid and probably blind. We are also greedy. Welcome to 2019. A world in which there is nothing backing our currency.

Our currency is worth nothing … or soon will be. If I were you I’d stock up on a few cases of vegetable soup. You can probably trade a can for a million bucks in a few years.

We are out of control. As is every single industrial nation on the face of this little blue planet.

This explains my babbling with facts and figures:


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Jaron Summers wrote dozens of primetime television and radio programs, including those for HBO, CBS, ACCESS TV and CBC. He conceived the TV and Film Institute of Canada. Funded by the University of Alberta and ITV, Jaron ran the Institute for 12 years, donating his services for a decade.

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I am not sure where he came from or how he learned to do what he did but he was